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The Villa Romana del Tellaro Noto Antica Eloro The Sanctuaries Castelluccio Vendicari

After leaving the suburbs on the north, along the state highway 287 you can meet a lot of sanctuaries. The first is the "Eremo of S. Giovanni in Lardia" which hosts the convent of the Carmelitan Nuns and the Benedettine Nuns. The way bends around the hill until "S. Corrado fuori le mura" (about 4 km), a place of vacation. In the upper zone you can see the little church dedicated to Our Lady. Next you come down to Valle dei Miracoli, a silent and wooded place. There lived Corrado Confalonieri a noble from Piacenza which was later canonized and acknowledged as local patron. If you walk along the small street you arrive at the Eremo and the Sanctuary with a cave where the saint lived.

I Santuari di San Corrado e della Madonna della Scala In the small church the visitor can see the Pray Cave, which hosts the marble statue of the patron, a valuable work from Giuseppe Fortunato Pirrone. To the left, the mortal remains of martyr S. Leonzio. Also you can see a little museum and a nativity scene with statues from the Eighteenth Century.

I Santuari di San Corrado e della Madonna della Scala If you keep walking on the street to Palazzolo Acreide till the 10th kilometer, and you turn to the left, the you arrive at the "SS. Madonna Scala del Paradiso" sanctuary. The church and the monastery, built by Girolamo the Third, arise in a prominent position, upon the hill with two ladders. From the terrace, the visitor can see a beautiful countryside. Inside, upon the altar, you can see a painting of Our Lady and the Child, and under the altar the mortal remains of S. Franzo. Girolamo the Third is buried to the left and we have is cell to the right.

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